A Productive Afternoon

I tried to resist, but I just couldn’t.  I went to my classroom today to tidy up a bit and get ready for Monday.  I told myself two weeks ago that I wasn’t going to come back to my room once I left for break, but I didn’t listen.  I feel great, though.  I spent a few hours organizing my desk and computer area.  I organized a few files that I meant to get to.  I even managed to dust my room a bit.  It’s amazing how dusty things can get.  I felt a sense of accomplishment when I left my classroom today.  When I return on Monday there won’t be as much clutter to greet me.  That makes me happy.

Although I enjoyed my two weeks off, I am excited to get back to my students.  I feel refreshed and energized.  I hope the students feel the same way, too.  Also, I just found out that I will also be getting a student teacher.  She starts on Monday.  There will be a whole lot of learning going on in my room next week.  I can’t wait!  🙂

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